Swim Season is Almost Here!
Saturday, May 22, 2021 in News

Our Hunt Valley Country Club pool opens on
Saturday, May 29th at 10:00am
We welcome our members to enjoy fun, sunshine and swimming!
No pool reservations required this year!
The pool will operate with modified hours from
Tuesday, June 1st through Friday, June 18th, due to local school schedules.
Pool hours will be 3:00pm-8:00pm on weekdays and
10:00am-8:00pm on weekends.
Beginning Saturday, June 19th, the pool hours will be 10:00am-8:00pm daily, weather permitting.
We are also allowing guests to our pool this summer!
Guests are permitted a maximum of one time per month.
Guests must be accompanied by a member.
Members and guests must sign in at the pool host stand upon arrival.
Guest fees are $8.00 per person on weekdays,
and $10.00 per person on weekends.